Join the fastest growing network of Believers

Harvest Generation

is a mobilization platform, a network that connects us and activates each person to reach the lost and hurting in the world around us. YOUR COMMUNITY is the target destination. We will mobilize, train, and activate believers to discover their God-given purpose and take the powerful kingdom message to each community, town, and city. Join the army of laborers as you train with others to go into the harvest field. Matt 9:35-38

Mobilize Train Activate

  • Mobilize for the Harvest

    Join together with like minded christians to take the message and power of Christ to the people in your community. We are setting technology to work on a mission to mobilize, equip and send an army of believers to the harvest in this generation.

  • Train the Laborers

    We provide multiple forms of training as members advance their faith and learn to activate their authority to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom and heal every sickness and every disease among the people. A series of videos will progress each member through the foundational training to accomplish this work. Next the network will coordinate groups and teams of laborers to stand beside you as we go into the harvest.

  • Activate the Kingdom

    Here on earth today. The Holy Spirit is part of you, He enables us with power, Jesus gives us authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and affliction. Let's follow the model of Christ as he sent out the apostles. Let’s demonstrate the power of the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand.

Let’s get to the mission

Choose your interests

Prayer Team

Prayer goes in advance to prepare the harvest. It is the foundation of this entire ministry. Our hope is all of you will join here as we advance the Kingdom together.

Worship Team

Here we lift up the King of Kings, Captain of the Lords army. Worship tears down enemy strongholds. Lets ignite flames of worshipers scattered throughout each city, uniting believers and solidifying our mission.

Evangelism Team

Learn to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the streets. This is where we interface with individuals, the lost, the hurting, the poor, the sick, and the oppressed. We bring to them the active and all powerful love of Christ and set the captives free.

Creative Team

If you are a creative person join with us in multiple areas to promote Harvest Generation and the mission of being the hands and feet of Jesus. This involves social media, tech, videography, graphic design, web design, and all forms of promotion for our events.

Community Events Team

This is where we truly touch the community. Unifying churches, businesses, and believers as we lift up, and encourage people of all ages in the community. These large gatherings will be re-enforced by local officials and outreach ministries.

Option 1: New Believer
Connect with us

Select this option if you recently experienced the wonderful gift of salvation by grace through Jesus Christ. We want to speak each of you. WELCOME!

Option 2: Essentials Training
(HG Overview)

Learn about Harvest Generation our vision for your community and how we plan to all work together to spread the love of Christ to the world around us.

Option 3: Elite Training
(Get Battle Ready)

Choose this option if you have learned what Harvest Generation is all about and want to partner and grow with us. You will see and do marvelous works in the Kingdom of God.

Let’s kickstart your ministry

We’ll be with you every step of the way.